(spoiler:s05e07) Fluttershy x Tree Hugger touching butts (artist:starykrow)
imgur.com category @thaostra_
Queen Chrysalis, showing off for her Mistress [anthro] (artists: lumineko & mrscurlystyles)
imgur.com category @Palpz
Cadance and Twilight, having "slipped" in the shower (artist: The-Unicorn-Lord)
imgur.com category @Palpz
AJ checking herself out in the mirror as she undresses [humanized] (artist: mricantdraw )
imgur.com category @Palpz
First time touching a tablet. Decided to color some Rainbow Dash!
imgur.com category @PonyClopThe2nd
imgur.com category @Palpz
Fluttershy sitting atop punk Dash's face [humanized] (artist: Rainbowscreen)
imgur.com category @Palpz
Twilight Sparkle gets some studying in [humanized] (artist: CaptainPudgeMuffin)
imgur.com category @Palpz
Fluttershy getting it rrrrrrright up the butt(artist bluecoffeedog)
imgur.com category @blacktorchwick