Just waking up, bit of a cliché mirror shot but [m]eh :P [first post]
imgur.com category @adamdavid85
One more before i go to bed, not that i'll sleep because i am hornier than i've ever been.
imgur.com category @jlo1216
imgur.com category @TA8601
Started working out and my arms are sore, can anyone take care of this for me?
imgur.com category @Sir_Komlin
Didn't get much feedback elsewhere. [M]aybe you guys will have a better opinion.
imgur.com category @SconcioStallone
Down 30 lbs, Al[m]ost at my goal weight. Thought I would share.
imgur.com category @CuriousGeorgetheCat
People tease me because I like girls, but I enjoy the best of both!
imgur.com category @ZoeFernandez