I hope we have not forgotten about shower oranges as they are important.
imgur.com category @YourYam
imgur.com category @alamaias
Cut a tiny slice for my Blue Moon, and you better believe I just ripped the rest apart
imgur.com category @MrDropTheSoap
You know it's a problem when you start finding these on your shower tiles
imgur.com category @spewintothiss
imgur.com category @notnecessarilystoned
Basically how I started my first ever shower orange. (BTW it was amazing!)
imgur.com category @mexi1237
imgur.com category @Cebo494
When the mountains are blue and the oranges are orange. (X-Post from r/showerbeer)
imgur.com category @PM_ME_YOUR_BELT
Some historical precedence from a Flaming Lips music video NSFW
imgur.com category @MonikerAddiction