>The best time to wear a striped sweater,
Is all the time
One with a collar,
Turtle neck,
Thats the kind,
Cause when you wwwweeeaaarrrr it,
[That's one... special.... sweater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCs0JGxvQCM&t=12)
Ooooh bites my finger.
Omg you're amazing! You'd thing here in Vegas it'd be easy to find other like minded people but not so much.
You look spectacular!
That's great... Very nice bruises.
That's very hot!
Ooooh bites my finger.
Omg you're amazing! You'd thing here in Vegas it'd be easy to find other like minded people but not so much.
You look spectacular!
That's great... Very nice bruises.
That's very hot!