deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6499 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](
Why isn't there more Kisaragi Gunma on this sub? I feel like all of their work would be on here by now, along with Hisasi, Yamatogawa, Napata, etc.
The girl with the glasses gets me every time. She's got no hangups about sex, she just needs more cock.
Nice, I remember watching the animated version and it was quite good as well.
I like Kisaragi Gunma's work but sometimes I get feels from it and I could never identify why. Turns out there's NTR in some of his/her works and I never notice. Sneaky.
The artstyle in this is soooooo 90s.
Why isn't there more Kisaragi Gunma on this sub? I feel like all of their work would be on here by now, along with Hisasi, Yamatogawa, Napata, etc.
The girl with the glasses gets me every time. She's got no hangups about sex, she just needs more cock.
Nice, I remember watching the animated version and it was quite good as well.
I like Kisaragi Gunma's work but sometimes I get feels from it and I could never identify why. Turns out there's NTR in some of his/her works and I never notice. Sneaky.
The artstyle in this is soooooo 90s.