The character design of the girl is soooo damn good.
I want more sweet vanilla
#( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This was sweet and realistic 10/10
Sweet adorable vanilla. The gods have blessed me again.
This was already a 10/10 and then the end where he takes her and makes her feel good too, 11/10
I loved the realistic feel and casual/helpful/playful nature of her friends
This is very r/wholesome
Vanillay goodness
I want more sweet vanilla #( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This was sweet and realistic 10/10
Sweet adorable vanilla. The gods have blessed me again.
This was already a 10/10 and then the end where he takes her and makes her feel good too, 11/10 I loved the realistic feel and casual/helpful/playful nature of her friends
This is very r/wholesome
Vanillay goodness