Title: Trap Honey
Artist: yumoteliuce
Group: Happouvijin
Translator: Metaphrastes
Cleaner/Typesetter: spirtohleb
Proof: meterion
\>tfw you'll never have a qt yandere caress your broken arm while straddling you
Here's one from a little while back. Toga is best evul girl, so hope you'll enjoy!
Sex an talking about how supposedly every animal feels excited before death what is this /r/meirl
You see this is the type of shit you make another chapter for.
Attack her weak point for massive damage!
woah creepy cover
Sex an talking about how supposedly every animal feels excited before death what is this /r/meirl
You see this is the type of shit you make another chapter for.
Attack her weak point for massive damage!
woah creepy cover