8 XXX : nsfw_wtf



more bizarre porn pictures in category nsfw_wtf

from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/nsfw_wtf/comments/wkapb/just_a_comparison/) by @sbtycoon

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/r/spaceclop Thank you and goodnight.
At first I thought it was two women and one had just been fisted. I then took a closer look and realised I spent a good minute staring up a horse's anus.
Took me a second to get what I was seeing, once I realised it I threw my phone across the room and took a nice long shower.
I honestly don't know which I would fuck first....
Here's a Vice docco about how common sex with donkeys is. http://www.vice.com/the-vice-guide-to-sex/asses-of-the-caribbean
4/4 look good to go
That's quite a mighty asshole. Other than that, I got no complaints...
i'll take the one on the left. thx
It's not ghat surprising, mammals descend from a common ancestor, we have plenty of similarities.
Took me a second to figure it out then I let out a sound like a pirate and closed that link.
Basically, I wanna fuck the woman ass, and the mares...for some strange reason...
The asshole on the right is fucking beautiful!

Size comparison

Size comparison

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A hot comparison

A hot comparison

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