8 XXX : ConfusedBoners



more other porn pics in category ConfusedBoners

from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/ConfusedBoners/comments/2twfdx/wha_i_dont_even_xpost_from_rwtf/) by @StrangerFeelings

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[Real life version](http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--j95JQgei--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/yz9dfjvdix20byuxmstj.gif)
[That's not how this works](http://i.lvme.me/v8ccqht.jpg)
Biggest tease ending gif.
For what it's worth: that pink tube looks like it would feel really fucking good.
**TL;DW** Lara Croft uses the Dragon Balls to wish for a horse dick so she can receive a blowjob from an alien creature.
What a time to be alive...
Okay. I can understand. But why a horse cock? Edit: horse/human cock hybrid or whatever.
I'm not confused. Just turned on.
Yeap, that definitely a confused boner
I mean i get a boner, but it is fucking gross and looks so wrong....but it gives me a boner, so i fap to it. Edit: It gets a lot hotter after this red shit turns red.
The weirdest thing is that someone with a good amount of animating skills spent dozens of hours at a computer making this. Just let that soak in for a minute.
This is why we have this sub.

Beam me up, Scotty! (x-post from /r/WTF)

Beam me up, Scotty! (x-post from /r/WTF)

imgur.com category @exasperated-viewer

Rainy Day [x-post /r/WTF/]

Rainy Day [x-post /r/WTF/]

imgur.com category @toilethippie