8 XXX : WatchItForThePlot



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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/WatchItForThePlot/comments/7yhs9z/danielle_panabaker_in_necessary_roughness/) by @horny_fuckers

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Dammit Barry, you fucked up the timeli... Nevermind. Good job.
She's like a younger, hotter, Marie from Breaking Bad.
Man, I was extremely disappointed she had clothes on under that robe lol
I still don't understand how her plant powers turned into ice powers.
That's not Scott Bakula
I wouldn't mind her tying me up in vines in a flying school.
Damn, her body is "killer"?
Killer Frost?
Welcome to foot....ball!
I don't remember this part. Was she Kathy Ireland's body double or something?
Kathy Ireland in Necessary Roughness https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.aAREMOUaHPbsfI2EX5CBJgHaEy&pid=Api ..tried using google but they gimped their image search so have a bing link...
Ohhh...I remember this scene. Duh. This was the part where Scott Bakula's character accidentally walks in on her getting dressed. You know, because he was a 40 year old Freshman new to the school and all. Hilarious hi-jinks ensued.
On American TV, does it constantly show the name of the show you're watching on the screen?

Danielle Panabaker

Danielle Panabaker

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Danielle Panabaker

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Danielle Panabaker

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Danielle panabaker

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Danielle Panabaker

Danielle Panabaker

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Danielle Panabaker

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