8 XXX : Pegging



more bizarre xxx photos in category Pegging

from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/Pegging/comments/21jpff/waiting_for_the_bf_to_wake_up_so_i_can_surprise/) by @bipolar_s

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a) don't wait til he wakes up and b) "this too shall pass" is so apropos...LOL
Sit on his face to wake him up while you slowly stroke your new cock in anticipation of his reaction. I would love waking up to that view if I were him.
does he like sleepy sex? does he rouse quickly? will he fall back to sleep after the deed or be awake for the rest of the day? if the answer to these questions is yes, then wait until he's about halfway through his sleep time and then peg away, my friend. If no/he'll have no shot at sleep after, let him rest but wake him up a little early so there'll be plenty of time for you to go to pound town. Edit: There should be a flow chart for this.
What a lucky fucking guy. congrats on being the best partner ever.
lucky bastard!
Damn girl sexy as fuck. You should also post on (r)feet....sexy long toes you have!!!
You have weird feet can we see your hands ?
Gives an update! Did bury every inch into tight hole!
Lucky Bastard
Cool tattoo ;)
That looks comfortable.

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