I’d gladly be that guinea pig
You are living my dream!
I definitely would be interested in being that Guinea pig
I'm going to have to ask wife for one of these parties
[GIFV link](https://i.imgur.com/YRpHIek.gifv)
_^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/livven/wiki/gifv-bot) ^// ^[code](https://github.com/Livven/GifvBot)_
Would love to
Passion Parties was bought out by Pure Romance.
The nipple tweak alone would have got me off ?
That's so sexy I didn't know I needed this in my life, but I'm so glad I saw this
Lucky lucky guy!
You are living my dream!
Yes I definitely would be interested in being that Guinea pig
I'm going to have to ask wife for one of these parties
[GIFV link](https://i.imgur.com/YRpHIek.gifv) --- _^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/livven/wiki/gifv-bot) ^// ^[code](https://github.com/Livven/GifvBot)_
Would love to
Passion Parties was bought out by Pure Romance.
The nipple tweak alone would have got me off ?
That's so sexy I didn't know I needed this in my life, but I'm so glad I saw this
Lucky lucky guy!