I"m required to hate and/or smack with a cliche anime mallet any Protagonist who repeatedly turns down a MILF for a Loli.
Had me at the big breated Succubus.
Lost me at the...other...option.
So when we gonna just start translating lolicon as pedophile?
Complaining about a big tiddie MILF, smh
Hroz: [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4748) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/hrozvitnir) | [Blog](http://www.hrozvitnir.com/buh/)
Translation: Erelzen
Editing: gangsta
Some people are simply incurable, and this guy was just a pedo lol
Hahahaha jeez
"I don't want someone who looks like a child, I want to fuck a child!"
All that "she's actually a 1000 year old demon" shit went out the window.
Had me at the big breated Succubus. Lost me at the...other...option.
So when we gonna just start translating lolicon as pedophile?
Complaining about a big tiddie MILF, smh ---------- Hroz: [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4748) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/hrozvitnir) | [Blog](http://www.hrozvitnir.com/buh/) ------ Translation: Erelzen Editing: gangsta
Some people are simply incurable, and this guy was just a pedo lol
Hahahaha jeez "I don't want someone who looks like a child, I want to fuck a child!" All that "she's actually a 1000 year old demon" shit went out the window.