8 XXX : gonewildcurvy



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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/gonewildcurvy/comments/29t6lg/what_a_beautiful_day_not_to_wear_underwear_bonus/) by @dawn855

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https://vimeo.com/99903187 Video finally up, as promised
You...are absolutely breathtaking. Wow. Jaw is on the floor. If you are ever near Seattle and need someone to... I dunno... stammer incoherently at you, please keep me in mind.
Awesome album! Can't wait to see the video!
You look darn pretty at first, but just get sexier and sexier as you take off clothes! I guess that's how it should be :D
You are a goddess! Amazing!
You are gorgeous!!
You are amazing, thank you!
My god you are perfect. Beautiful. .curvy..sexy..long hair...fantastic breasts...nice little bush...yummy peach ....nice rounded ass. Yes please.
You are simply beautiful
Sometimes I look at a set of pictures and I just cant help but gasp "oh fuck" in amazement, this was one of those. Thank you!
You are one sexxy lady love the gif
Wow, so pretty and what a body! You have got a Sofia Vergara vibe going on.
You are ridiculously gorgeous and with such a hot body.
You... I like you. A lot.
You are gawddamned sexy, girl.
Yes! Would love to see even more.