more gay xxx pictures in category GaybrosGoneWild
from #thread ( by @Jenson09 category @reporting_for_booty category @Jackstart
He ca(m)e on my ass (f)irst thing this morning. (x-post /r/gwcouples) category @Perfect_Pair
I could scrutinize how you're sleeping with so much clothes on, or you could shut me up with that thick beast between your legs.
["Good shot, Jenson09!"]( (sorry couldn't resist)
I would gladly add 'helping you with that' to my morning ritual ?
Wow that's thick. Bet it feels amazing.
I'm sure that morning ritual could use some variety. Throw me in the mix. ;)
Big beautiful cock
damn dude, just damn.
Are you taking on apprentices? You have seem to mastered the ritual and should share the knowledge ;)
wow, please tell me you have a snapchat account haha
God I love everything about your posts. I so wish I could massage your socked feet while I lick the cum off your abs :p
Super hot and sexy
I would love to see more brief pictures. So hot!
So uh... you single?
You are a god among men :O
You are beautiful
Can I sit on it and bounce??
That is a lot of cum.