She got a pair
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4332 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](
If she only would of got knocked up while she was dating rob she would have that Kardashian money for the next 18 years instead of black chyna getting it.
Why does the tattoo on her arm say Alaina?
Silky smooth skin
Rihanna wanna-be.
she look like she got bleached all over
singer/actress/talentless thot
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4332 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](
If she only would of got knocked up while she was dating rob she would have that Kardashian money for the next 18 years instead of black chyna getting it.
Why does the tattoo on her arm say Alaina?
Silky smooth skin
Rihanna wanna-be.
she look like she got bleached all over
singer/actress/talentless thot