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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/NSFWFunny/comments/3s30b8/the_towel_isnt_gonna_be_big_enough/) by @Capt_Obviously_Slow

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Neither is the GIF. In fact, it may be *smaller* than the thumbnail.
Isn't that Lisa Ann?
oh man I forgot how bad her tits look
Sauce pls?
( • ) ( . )
Like much humor, this doesn't translate too well because in the tropics it's quite common to use very small towels to dry off when getting out of the shower and there's a very good reason. If you live in a hot, humid environment that stays hot and humid day and night large towels won't even last a few weeks without developing mold because they take too long to dry. So people use small washcloths to dry off when they get out of the shower.
What do you mean? I've dried myself off with way less before, it just takes a bit of time.
Sarah Palin making an art statement on "the correct size of the government"?
Source of this Caitlyn jenner video ?
Are you saying you don't think this lady is too fat? She jiggles in all the right places. Not to take away from making fun of her, this is the subbreddit for that. Ooh my most downvoted post!

Big empty room

Big empty room

tumblr.com category @Shamefulsoap

We're gonna need a towel...

We're gonna need a towel...

gfycat.com category @PanKing92

Big smile

Big smile

imgur.com category @faith_some_more

Towel (snap)

Towel (snap)

imgur.com category @CopperTusk2

Big booty Hijab girl rides camel

Big booty Hijab girl rides camel

imgur.com category @mykingdomforawhore