8 XXX : Rule34LoL



more drawing xxx pictures in category Rule34LoL

from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/Rule34LoL/comments/37bsbi/champions_breast_size_nude_ver_by_pandea_work/) by @Hefastus

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[mrw Ezreal](http://i.imgur.com/TQUuY.jpg)
Champion order was changed around from the original, and yet seems to be just as wrong as before
...was Evelynn moved even further down? after my spiel about her MASSIVE tits she was moved down to hang with Lux and the yordles?! i'm fucking done. i'm fucking done!
Nami looks really wierd... Considering they took away her upper scales which aren't actually 'clothes'
BTW whereas sona is of ionian blood she is demacian.
Ashe has really droopy tits, also, back that ass up more LB
I'm glad they didn't leave Rek'Sai out of this list. Despite not having boobs, inclusion is good.
Wondering why Lissandra is a neko, and how Eve isn't absurdly stacked. Also love the inclusion of body hair. Kalista your posture is awful and I love it.
[source](http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50573878) Pixiv
holy fuck, I'll take THEM ALL!
Why is Sona with the Ionians? She's from Demacia! D:
? Karma has some grade A titties ?
Jinx from Piltover... what.
lol ezreal

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