Oh my god your butt could not be nicer. And such a great choice opf undies.
Please post more you are just so awesome!
Checking your post history was the best decision I've made today.
can i help you put them on
No more shorts (or pants) problem solved ;)
Girl I would pump your gas and carry your groceries
have you tried bigger shorts?
Now that's assalicious!
Bring that to me
Mmmmm, perfection!
Yes.. So hard..
That is a stunning ass you've got there dirtylittlecumslut!
You got it all huh?
Solution don't wear them!
that's a good problem to have.
I would like to see that same pic with the shorts up. Damn!
I love your undies! Where'd you get em?
Oh, my.
Fuck yes. I love photos like this
That ass, wow. And those panties are sexy.
Just don't put shorts (or pants) on and the problem is solved
Damn babe that's a great ass
Edit: something I used to say in HS about a beautiful booty
Checking your post history was the best decision I've made today.
can i help you put them on
No more shorts (or pants) problem solved ;)
Girl I would pump your gas and carry your groceries
have you tried bigger shorts?
Now that's assalicious!
Bring that to me
Mmmmm, perfection!
Yes.. So hard..
That is a stunning ass you've got there dirtylittlecumslut!
You got it all huh?
Solution don't wear them!
that's a good problem to have.
I would like to see that same pic with the shorts up. Damn!
I love your undies! Where'd you get em?
Oh, my.
Fuck yes. I love photos like this
That ass, wow. And those panties are sexy.
Just don't put shorts (or pants) on and the problem is solved
Damn babe that's a great ass
Bootious Edit: something I used to say in HS about a beautiful booty