[**album**^ 28](http://imgur.com/a/oR04n) ^\[[**post**](/r/AmateurArchives/comments/10b65e/big_list_of_albums/) ^by ^/u/WakingLife\]
There are none with her ass cheeks spread apart. How can we appreciate or comment on her beauty without seeing the inside of her asshole? I just don't know what I'm looking at.
She's gorgeous. Beautiful body and hair
She's gorgeous alright. But these pics are hella old. I think she is cashing social security these days.....
I'd suggest a cross post to [r/SexyFrex](http://www.reddit.com/r/SexyFrex/)
Look at the cell phone in number 9 .... how old is this album?
Guys srsly. Who let their wife on here. Come on.
There are none with her ass cheeks spread apart. How can we appreciate or comment on her beauty without seeing the inside of her asshole? I just don't know what I'm looking at.
She's gorgeous. Beautiful body and hair
She's gorgeous alright. But these pics are hella old. I think she is cashing social security these days.....
I'd suggest a cross post to [r/SexyFrex](http://www.reddit.com/r/SexyFrex/)
Look at the cell phone in number 9 .... how old is this album?
Guys srsly. Who let their wife on here. Come on.