[GIFV link](https://i.imgur.com/DKjDyx7.gifv)
It looks like it starts and ends on the same frame, so if you delete the last frame it won't appear to "stop" at the end of the loop.
What did you use to make it?
Yeah this one's great
This is one of the most pleasant gifs I've ever watched.
This is very calming, for some reason.
The first thing I thought of when I saw the title: Anyone? Anyone? Cu-Bueller?
Looks like it would fit in a windows start screen in the form of a windows logo somehow...
What program would be used to make stuff like this? I'm interested in learning how to do this.
It looks like it starts and ends on the same frame, so if you delete the last frame it won't appear to "stop" at the end of the loop.
Beautiful! What did you use to make it?
Yeah this one's great
This is one of the most pleasant gifs I've ever watched.
This is very calming, for some reason. The first thing I thought of when I saw the title: Anyone? Anyone? Cu-Bueller?
Looks like it would fit in a windows start screen in the form of a windows logo somehow...
What program would be used to make stuff like this? I'm interested in learning how to do this.