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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/boobgifs/comments/1lxehc/do_you_know_her_name/) by @gunnerglue

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This is from Girls Gone Wild, filmed yeeeears ago. Most likely this woman is a soccer mom now.
After all those years, I finally get to see behind those stars....
All I hear are those steel drums playing in the background
I don't know, but I know she's like 5 foot nothing
She's from ggw. I remember watching the commercial for this every morning at 4 on comedy central oh to be young again...
My god the weekends staying up late at night watching tv just to see the commercials. All while being afraid a parent would show up any second. Then you find the long infomercial and its like heaven. You think surely it won't get better for a while. That's when one day you're looking for something in the garage only to find out your dad owns the movies and you're home alone for an hour after school.
I found her name before and a twitter account. Can't find it again, but this scene is the only thing she's done. No other good pics or videos.
Source you might like!! www.youjizz/videos/drunk-party-chicks-exposed-2301477.html