more tits xxx pics in category lactation
from #thread ( by @pleasemilkme category @thatguyjeffrey
I went over 14 hours without pumping. Oops! [nsfw] [x-post from /r/lactation] category @pleasemilkme
Amazing! And you look fabulous. Love the freckles. More! Please more!
I just stumbled across this sub, so yours is the first post I have seen. As a woman who has not yet conceived, I have to ask, does it hurt to not pump for that long?
Oh man, I would love, love, love to see more of you! Perhaps a video or gif of yourself leaking or expressing. How big were your boobs before you got pregnant?
Thank you, and enjoy the gold:) If you're taking requests: * Auto-streaming * Dripping * Video specifically showing the pump filling a bottle, or two, or ten * Self-sucking * While lying on her back, a view of milk running down her breasts Though, *anything* you upload will be eaten right up in this sub.
12 ounces. Fantastic. Your breasts are spectacular!
Your breasts are phenomenal! I'm in awe. Did it feel downright euphoric to release the pressure of all that milk?
awesome...would love to see video of you drinking a nice big glass...