8 XXX : GWCouples



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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/GWCouples/comments/1t9b9r/does_facesitting_get_much_love_here_if_so_ill/) by @misscassandra

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Yes! I love it! That's a very sexy picture. Also you should check out: http://www.reddit.com/r/facesitting
Dammit, I WISH my girl would f.s. so hot!
I love facesitting, personally :)
I'm a male and I think it's fucking hot as hell. More!
Album please please :)
yes that is so hot . you have a lucky guy .. and he is lucky to have you .. yes please share the album ;-)
One of my favorite methods of eating.
Did it a while back with my wife and it was a blast both for me and for her, she was super excited about trying it, that I couldn't believe how fast she had an orgasm. Gave me a fucking hard-on that she took care off after.
I definitely love it. :P
Face sitting always gets an upvote from me. Because I always prefer face sitting to be up on me. ;)
I love having my face sat on
Where's the album? I, too, love this.
Facesitting. So underrated
There needs to be more face sitting on this subreddit
This is a big fantasy for me. More please.
Hell yeah.
I love it, what about pics from that view?