Das cute
[Must I really spell it out?](http://i.imgur.com/LOgBuRH.png)
"It's a prank!"
The pronunciation of robbery is the same as making a knot in Manderine.
结 (jié) = "to tie; to knot"
劫 (jié) = "to rob; plunder"
This is my fetish.
I didn't know my dad could draw...
Was expecting rape after the first panel. Was pleasantly surprised by lack of rape.
It's that last look that kills me
The context I first saw this in was as an explanation on /tg/ of what Lawful Evil would look like IRL.
What kind of monster does it take to enjoy this?
Let alone actually *doing it* to someone.
This is fucked up on so many levels.
I love it.
Ehm....... Wtf?
That was worth the read.
At least I'm not the only one thinking wtf.
That seems more rude than anything.
"Best guess for this image: grievous attack"
Google tho
Makes me giggle
Fucking lustful.
Are there more like this? My friend is in prison and he would love this.
[Must I really spell it out?](http://i.imgur.com/LOgBuRH.png)
"It's a prank!"
The pronunciation of robbery is the same as making a knot in Manderine. 结 (jié) = "to tie; to knot" 劫 (jié) = "to rob; plunder"
This is my fetish.
I didn't know my dad could draw...
Was expecting rape after the first panel. Was pleasantly surprised by lack of rape.
It's that last look that kills me
The context I first saw this in was as an explanation on /tg/ of what Lawful Evil would look like IRL.
What kind of monster does it take to enjoy this? Let alone actually *doing it* to someone. This is fucked up on so many levels. I love it.
Ehm....... Wtf?
That was worth the read.
At least I'm not the only one thinking wtf.
That seems more rude than anything.
"Best guess for this image: grievous attack" Google tho
Makes me giggle
Fucking lustful.
Are there more like this? My friend is in prison and he would love this.