[**album**^ 85](http://imgur.com/a/n5yVD) ^\[[**comment**](/r/RealGirls/comments/1qwp8y/i_fucking_love_australia_f/) ^by ^/u/4_pr0n\]
Clearly I got to the wrong beaches.
I wish this photo picked one thing, either darken it and get the cool sunset/sunrise and the silhouette of the the bootys or get the booty and forget about the sunset. It feels flat :/
dibs on middle
Dat heart.
Nice gaps but man, what a horrible Photoshop job. Whoever perpetrated this should leave the original photo alone or take some photo editing classes.
Clearly I got to the wrong beaches.
I wish this photo picked one thing, either darken it and get the cool sunset/sunrise and the silhouette of the the bootys or get the booty and forget about the sunset. It feels flat :/
dibs on middle
Dat heart.
Nice gaps but man, what a horrible Photoshop job. Whoever perpetrated this should leave the original photo alone or take some photo editing classes.