more gay xxx photos in category gaybears
from #thread ( by @turnbullac
Huge Valentine's Day Album for you guys!! 33 pictures! Hope you like!! <3 category @Tiffanys_Socks
You guys have been such a great support let's get to 1000 views! @rgwsnaps category @SirChinkyDick
/r/beardporn would like a word.
Hmm? I didn't hear your question. I just saw the photo and for some reason my ankles shot straight up and pretty much covered my ears.
Haha, funny question. I do! Sometimes they smell a bit weird but I still love it. If you could post more pics that'd be cool. You're hot as hell.
Fuck yes. It's magnificent. And you are gorgeous.
fucking gorgeous my man. DAMN
Does the pope shit in the woods? Sexy bear!
Hell yeah.. Kiss me please.
Please post more pics!
Thanks, guys!
I'm jealous!