What movie is this from? I just watched Texas Chainsaw a couple days ago and was wondering what they looked like lol.
GFY link: [gfycat.com/LinedGrossCanadagoose](http://gfycat.com/LinedGrossCanadagoose)
^(GIF size: 814.63 kiB) ^| ^(GFY size:52.44 kiB) ^| [^(~ About)](http://www.reddit.com/r/gfycat/comments/1u5df2/made_a_gfy_bot_for_reddit_in_ruby_meet_ugfy_bot/)
Wait, this is the girl from Percy Jackson and Neil's gf from White Collar?! Noice!!
I'd love to see a shot of her face along with this. Gorgeous eyes
I... I'm so happy
now i am more excited for this sunday!
Gotta remember to set my dvr.
Most inspiring
More like amazing everything. Especially her eyes.
Ah yes, I was waiting for when she would go nude. Reallly nice
fuck yeah
I...I had no idea this existed!
I read in one site that the scene will be on the second episode, January 19th. So, prepare yourself..lol..
A girl I am seeing is a critic and she has the first four episodes of True Detective.
GFY link: [gfycat.com/LinedGrossCanadagoose](http://gfycat.com/LinedGrossCanadagoose) --- ^(GIF size: 814.63 kiB) ^| ^(GFY size:52.44 kiB) ^| [^(~ About)](http://www.reddit.com/r/gfycat/comments/1u5df2/made_a_gfy_bot_for_reddit_in_ruby_meet_ugfy_bot/)
Wait, this is the girl from Percy Jackson and Neil's gf from White Collar?! Noice!!
I'd love to see a shot of her face along with this. Gorgeous eyes
I... I'm so happy
now i am more excited for this sunday!
Gotta remember to set my dvr.
Most inspiring
More like amazing everything. Especially her eyes.
Ah yes, I was waiting for when she would go nude. Reallly nice
fuck yeah
I...I had no idea this existed!
I read in one site that the scene will be on the second episode, January 19th. So, prepare yourself..lol..
A girl I am seeing is a critic and she has the first four episodes of True Detective.