Dat escape velocity tho.
The sun? Are you calling me fat?!
So what you're saying is that my passion for you will eventually flare up and completely consume you?
As a famous poet once said, yo booty like two planets
Can I come work for NASA?
Wait, so do you have only one period every 365 days? Because that would be awesome!
You might even say our atoms, down to their basic charged particles are attracted to each other with a similar force... you might also say, that in a closed vacuum system, we're destined to ultimately pull our masses towards one another.
Well you miss are just fan fucking tastic.
Your body is redunculous.
I've heard a girl tell me that
I used to work at NASA. If you like, I can demonstrate how much thrust the Saturn V engines produce.
Damn! That heavenly body is about to cause a gamma ray burst, *ifyouknowwhatimean*
the curves O.o
I am now.
Awesome post happy to see something that is nerdy and not geeky like most of the things here, there is a difference.
Heavenly orbs.
The sun? Are you calling me fat?!
So what you're saying is that my passion for you will eventually flare up and completely consume you?
As a famous poet once said, yo booty like two planets
Can I come work for NASA?
Wait, so do you have only one period every 365 days? Because that would be awesome!
You might even say our atoms, down to their basic charged particles are attracted to each other with a similar force... you might also say, that in a closed vacuum system, we're destined to ultimately pull our masses towards one another.
Well you miss are just fan fucking tastic.
Your body is redunculous.
I've heard a girl tell me that
I used to work at NASA. If you like, I can demonstrate how much thrust the Saturn V engines produce.
Damn! That heavenly body is about to cause a gamma ray burst, *ifyouknowwhatimean*
the curves O.o
I am now.
Awesome post happy to see something that is nerdy and not geeky like most of the things here, there is a difference.
Heavenly orbs.