I just realized: *you* are like Rocket! Tiny package, but a powerful punch
I feel like you're in 90% of the posts to this subreddit.
You ass is just amazing. I AM GROOT if you know what I mean :)
This is kind of weird, but I love your veins. I used to work in an ER so it's one of the first things I notice about people.
Love the Rocket shirt, and I _love_ the way you look in that thong :) Is that your new bedroom?
I can help with your room . I just need a plasma converter , an atomic calculator and your sexy body.
I am Groot!
I much rather invade your galaxy, if that's okay with you.
I don't know what I love more. Your cute face/hairstyle or that ass!
Can I guard you for life?
Looking great! Beautiful as always!
Awesome album as always! Love the new location and can't wait to see all the deliciously wicked ideas you come up with as photo ops in it.
I am Groot
You are so awesome. :)
I feel like you're in 90% of the posts to this subreddit.
You ass is just amazing. I AM GROOT if you know what I mean :)
This is kind of weird, but I love your veins. I used to work in an ER so it's one of the first things I notice about people.
Love the Rocket shirt, and I _love_ the way you look in that thong :) Is that your new bedroom?
I can help with your room . I just need a plasma converter , an atomic calculator and your sexy body.
I am Groot!
I much rather invade your galaxy, if that's okay with you.
I don't know what I love more. Your cute face/hairstyle or that ass!
Can I guard you for life?
Looking great! Beautiful as always!
Awesome album as always! Love the new location and can't wait to see all the deliciously wicked ideas you come up with as photo ops in it.
I am Groot
You are so awesome. :)