Once again, foreign countries completely squash us when it comes to porn
But it's not Ruby or Yang so I guess I'll have to continue meditating in the mountains while waiting for good art :<
[Source](http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54171422) This pic is the first of a set. Looks really awesome. I might have so translation to do.
I wish these artists would sell digital copies of doujins :c
I just kind of wish there was more whiterose stuff. Preferably some futa, because they always seem to be the least common in that. I've seen one doujin and one piece on this subreddit that was probably months ago.
[Source](http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54171422) This pic is the first of a set. Looks really awesome. I might have so translation to do.
I wish these artists would sell digital copies of doujins :c
I just kind of wish there was more whiterose stuff. Preferably some futa, because they always seem to be the least common in that. I've seen one doujin and one piece on this subreddit that was probably months ago.