8 XXX : gonewild



more amateur xxx pics in category gonewild

from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/gonewild/comments/5zj41q/its_been_a_minute_since_ive_done_a_nudetorial/) by @natural_red

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So... I just used these instructions and they worked. I then had a conversation with my wife that went something like this- Me: "Hey, honey, I folded all the fitted sheets in the linen closet that were wadded up and crammed in there. There's plenty of room for other stuff now" Her: YOU DID FUCKING NOT, THOSE ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO FOLD, LET ME SEE...Holy shit, you did! Where did you learn to do that?" Me: ...
Let's all give /u/natural_red a round of applause for making husband material out of every guy who learned from this.
The best teacher I ever had and sexiest
The only type of instructions I want to see
You make some compelling *points* but I still don't get it. Can you show me after class? I learn better 1 on 1. ;) Fantastic ass always, sexy mod.
Can /r/nudetorial be a thing?
Now can we unfold it and get it dirty again?
I'll have to save this so I can reference it over and over when I need to fold my sheets
The quality of the boobs in these photos is too damn high.

Let me teach you how it is done

Let me teach you how it is done

imgur.com category @watsonrychi5

Let's just stay in bed all day

Let's just stay in bed all day

imgur.com category @pterodactylfrenzy

Selfie done right

Selfie done right

imgur.com category @shakiacornelius