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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/NSFWFunny/comments/6o05ak/zero_fucks_given/) by @NotProgramSupervisor

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He knew he wasn't going to get any, so why bother playing her games.
You can pinpoint the second he thinks "Well this is obviously a Youtube prank."
He knows she's making fun of him. RIP
This is his life. He's not going to stroke her ego and make fun of him at the same time. "Thanks for the boob's now GTFO. Or stand there and feel ignored like I do everyday. Feel that? Yeah. That's my life. How's it feel?
He's not interested because he knows they're fucking with him; as if anything would ever come out of it.
She's smiling on the outside, but inside she just died a little.
"I've seen thousands, you think yours has any power over me?"
Fucking badass reaction to a surreal situation.
When I was in elementary school I was one of the kids the girls would dare each other to say something flirty to so they could giggle about it. I have a feeling this kid went through something similar as that was my exact reaction any time a girl showed any kind of affection.
Thata boy, dont you play her games :)

No fucks given

No fucks given

imgur.com category @tiaschuler

No fucks given

No fucks given

imgur.com category @ethelenehyland

Zero fucks given!

Zero fucks given!

imgur.com category @adelanix

Boner, no fucks given

Boner, no fucks given

imgur.com category @Mahboys

...No fucks given

...No fucks given

gfycat.com category @PanKing92

Zero Suit Samus

Zero Suit Samus

imgur.com category @Mur-cie-lago

0 fucks given

0 fucks given

gfycat.com category @[deleted]