"Ain't no bars on this crib, my baby raised seeing freedom!" xpost from wtf
imgur.com category @pussybonghits
Not sure where to post this, but without further ado... My father everyone.
imgur.com category @kaylamartinez
Found on my newsfeed caption - "Beerpong and shotguns #coolestparentsever"
imgur.com category @Forpoo
[Applejack x Rainbow Dash] [F/F] There's never a bad time for some AppleDash.
imgur.com category @cclop
Rub her tummy violently and call her a bad pony [Rarity][solo] (artist: ecmajor)
imgur.com category @throwawayaccount38
Given the tattoo, this seemed the appropriate choice for my first BD toy
imgur.com category @snooper_sand_legend
New Roland in opal, plus cool Halloween stickers, this is destined for my new PC case :)
imgur.com category @keriberry_420
I wrote an essay about dragon dildoes for my college English 101 class - it got an A
imgur.com category @Superlagg
Finally arrived in the mail today! I'm too excited to use my first BD toy!
imgur.com category @HeavilyBearded