"Well bro, you heard mom. Think you can take care of things around the house while they're gone?"
imgur.com category @lepota
tumblr.com category @lepota
After a night of sending couples on their way, mom and I take a little extra time closing up.
tumblr.com category @lepota
tumblr.com category @lepota
imgur.com category @lepota
My twin Sisters couldn't wait to take me back to their hotel room after swimming in the pool
imgur.com category @dirtnast403
tumblr.com category @lepota
I knew my sister was joking when she said "Take a picture, it'll last longer." But still.
tumblr.com category @lepota
imgur.com category @SomeRandomRedditor
"Where's your bicycle seat?" "Seat? Who needs a seat! Now start taking pictures!"
imgur.com category @SomeRandomRedditor
daddy will take you to the rides when you're done with your chores
imgur.com category @imbetterthenthis