Hey guys since you guys no neko girls best can you tell me what this is from? I found it on 4chan!
imgur.com category @danofearth_
Dayum! 4chan/hm (handsome men) has GOOD taste [Collection from thread on Nov 1st]
imgur.com category @Sotto_Voce
imgur.com category @pornpostingthrowaway
This seemed like it would fit in here. Actual NSFW text. X-Post from /r/4Chan
imgur.com category @Zephs
For the guys posting 'this is so gay!' in every 4chan X-Change thread
imgur.com category @xChangeFan
I found this on 4chan and thought it was worth sharing. A Bilbo compilation, if you will.
imgur.com category @beboshoulddie
imgur.com category @VGDCMario