Time for a real man to step in. (Bull Caps, all my old, and some new.)
imgur.com category @young_dirty_bastard
Sorry for the wait, I was busy being a [Bull]. 12 image album summing up my week.
imgur.com category @young_dirty_bastard
On the plus side, my old friends now cum visit more often than ever! [gif] [feminization] [forced]
imgur.com category @jdog638
imgur.com category @jdog638
At the nude beach, my wife would lure guys to a secluded spot, so that she could "do her thing."
gfycat.com category @heyjoewhatsthat
gfycat.com category @[deleted]
[Cock Offering] When I Pulled My Cock Out In Front Of My Sister And Napping Boyfriend
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @masterfulmastus
I managed to hypnotize my classmate and make her suck my dick [Video][Hypno]
gfycat.com category @masaccio02
When my wife asked me what I wanted for my 30th birthday, I told her jokingly, "The babysitter."
gfycat.com category @californiadoggie
gfycat.com category @nikkie-hirokosha