Danish Olympic track team member Stina Troest x-post from r/fitandnatural
imgur.com category @dolfan650
Bia & Branca Feres Twins. Olympic Team Synchronized Swimmers (Brazil)
imgur.com category @sultree
Antonika Misura - Croatian Basketball Olympic Team (xpost from /r/pics)
imgur.com category @WyseGuy420
I imagine Liliana Fernandez Steiner's team mate gets distracted a lot...
imgur.com category @Worldwidewolf
If I could bang one Olympic team....it'd be Elsa BM and Lili Steiner
imgur.com category @Worldwidewolf
Noticed a serious gender bias here. So I present to you, the Canadian MEN'S Bob-sleigh team.
imgur.com category @HerbieHind
imgur.com category @[deleted]