I love doing this. Watching my slut to make sure she does good enough.
imgur.com category @airyeezy91
Cakeday+Birthday+First Image of Me Posted to Reddit. Am I doing this right?
imgur.com category @commutinator
Trust me, once you let me do this you'll never go back to not wanting it.
tumblr.com category @stickler36
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot
I haven't had a girl will to do this for ages! drives me crazy when they let you [kinbakublog]
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot
Definitely doing this when the little lady uses hers for the first time! [yesmymaster2013]
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot
I want to do this for daddy when he comes home from work!! [giatinpsiximou]
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot
Cake day already? Gah, nothing prepared... Spinning is hypnotic right? Am I doing this right? Wheee!
gfycat.com category @Entrancement
I found some CG art and I just had to do this. Hope you like it.
imgur.com category @goingdownthehill
Every Girl Wishes Her Dude Would Just be OK with Her Doing This at Least Once in Her Life
imgur.com category @macduck71
Mom am I doing this right ad: Featuring Scarlet Red, Tanya Tate and Bailey Bae. Sauce in Comments.
imgur.com category @tittiesforlyfe
imgur.com category @Mo_Tzu