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an office fren for Daddy~ category @jingaling0
It's been hard, since me and Daddy broke up, but I had a productive day and rewarded myself with ice cream! category @JustTellMeItsOver
my daddy got me new covers and a plushie whale shark !! category @miyunie
my daddy got me a new realistic tiger plush and a tamagotchi on (among many other things) for christmas this year ♡
Look what Daddy sent me! I love them!! category @CervineIntervention
my lovely talented Daddy made me this makeup bag
My daddy wanted me to make my own collar rather than buying me one. So I made a matching collar, leash, and paci! He even picked out the fabric for me and I love it! (Side note. Onesie is from envy body shop) category @Daddyslilghoul