What's happening -- Maybe if I keep doing this enough, people will get the message, eh?
imgur.com category @ShamusBaran
So there's an app on my phone that can do this; not the best, but my first contribution.
imgur.com category @SoMuchForStuff
First Post. Am I doing this right? (x-post from LadybonersGW)
imgur.com category @ForgettingBMarshall
tumblr.com category @fire_81
She can't believe she's doing this. (x-post /r/spreading -- Source in comments)
gfycat.com category @organ_donor
I'm no Hermione Granger, but I CAN do this trick where my clothes disappear...
imgur.com category @GoddessEmma
I love doing this. Watching my slut to make sure she does good enough.
imgur.com category @airyeezy91
Cakeday+Birthday+First Image of Me Posted to Reddit. Am I doing this right?
imgur.com category @commutinator
Trust me, once you let me do this you'll never go back to not wanting it.
tumblr.com category @stickler36
tumblr.com category @havoc_bot