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You could draw the whole cartoon on top of this one. category @AllGoodInTheHood
I drew my friend a picture of her and her cat riding on magic ponies... I love drawing Little things, hope the rest of you like my picture :3 category @[deleted]
Drawing of Sayori by @treeofbless ( on twitter, requested by me, have fun you beautiful Sayori posters category @thisisonlyforscienc3
Not sure if these have posted here (just found this sub), but my favorite artist (Ed-Draws) on Tumblr made a punch of pet play art that I felt you’d all appreciate (smut and cute as well). category @Soph0more
I draw on shoes. What do you think? category @wchild55
A few years back I was in the closet, drawing guys for myself in a hidden sketchbook, now (though I'm still working on becoming a bear), I'm loving the community, and I even launched my first pride shirt recently! Nice to meet you all! category @DJChubb
Rouge Will Cast A Spell On You. (toto draw) category @In_Karma_We_Lust