I bought my first digital drawing tablet today, and this is my very first piece of digital art
imgur.com category @VulcanDeathGrip
My girlfriend owed me a favour I told her to draw a r/dragonsfuckingcars submission
imgur.com category @Tedtheawesome
imgur.com category @fluffyxsama
imgur.com category @chikineater221
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @nothingamonth
imgur.com category @spaceghost1
My friend made this for me <3 - Alphys tentacle loop - my original drawing --->(coments)-
imgur.com category @Skeleton_Lover
imgur.com category @TrapGoddessShawty69
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @totaldegen
My morning shower drew my attention to my boobs. Do they draw your attention too?
imgur.com category @NovaGirl5GW
Since so many of you called it an elephants trunk. Rate my drawing skills.
imgur.com category @Itsmeitsmariox
Still practicing my drawing using Yings, so here's another one (Psouless)
imgur.com category @Psouless
imgur.com category @irina_sabetskaya
I shoot model references for my drawings, I decided to just post this photo as is. Exploring caves.
imgur.com category @artGW
imgur.com category @irina_sabetskaya