8 XXX : ChubbyDudes



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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/ChubbyDudes/comments/beynva/leave_something_dirty_in_the_comments_for_my_wife/) by @SgtReefer

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I want her to watch me blow you
Please Miss, I need to suck your Mister's cock. May I?
You guys seem like a couple who are happy and confident in your relationship. Also seems like you two truly love each other AND like each other...and most definitely enjoy each other in a lot of different ways. I know it's not the dirty you were asking for, but I at least wanted to compliment you guys! I saved the post to show my partner tonight. We're always for people in committed long term relationships working, while having fun of course, to keep things interesting because life is a long time and no one is more deserving to get the most fun & sexiest parts of you than the person that deals with the not so good parts of you and still wants you at the end of every single day-or any part of the day for that matter.
that's enough dick for two, i'd send my wife in to help yours fuck you while i jerk off in the corner