[M] Been gone on a 3 month holiday and starting to get back into shape. How am I doing
imgur.com category @fappytime6969
[M]Started Keto and I've lost about 15 pounds so far. Feeling more confident.
imgur.com category @Zalika7
[M] 21 lost a lot of weight since school started back up, thought I'd give this a shot
imgur.com category @[deleted]
What do you think, I've always been Self conscious about being uncircumcised, 6'5 210 (25 m)
imgur.com category @naughtycouple13
Couple of front and back pics of [m]e, tell me which side you like better and please give a rate.
imgur.com category @nycsupreme
34 [M]ale - lost 70 lbs but a long way to go, Rate Me/Comment and don't be fake nice
imgur.com category @NYguy82
[M] 24 it's cold... chest hair yay or nay? Feel free to judge me in comments and PM's
imgur.com category @[deleted]
[M] What do you you think ladies? Any feedback in comments or PMs is appreciated!
imgur.com category @Coconutsauce1