F20 / I lost the weight and I'm now at where I wanna be. Opinions? ;)
imgur.com category @svvvaffles
F21- what do YOU guys think? Not comfortable with my fluctuating weight :/
imgur.com category @BluthedMyself
imgur.com category @maybealittlecurious
[M] Making progress. Wanted to post a pic with more of my body in it.
imgur.com category @dankwood_pepperdillo
My pic didn't take in the previous question.... are my cuts a turn off or no big deal?
tumblr.com category @ChelseaLuvs
20 [f] please read my description in the comments and telll me what you think!
imgur.com category @LetMeStripForYou
Not exactly a [f]emale. Help rate how womanly I look? Aside from the obvious.
imgur.com category @Trannylicious_
imgur.com category @egkra