[m] 5'11 165lbs. Trying to tone up the abdomen. Let me know what you think.
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @kelaar
45 M, 210lbs. Need to lose 30. Day one, ill keep posting my progress...
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @throwmelikeyourex
imgur.com category @Odesseeker
(23/167/5'9) How much should I cut for there to be no stomach convex?
imgur.com category @nerbiehancock
Lost four pounds this last week by switching to salads. Six more to go and I can get contacts!
imgur.com category @Bardofblues
M/37 168 6' Lost 10, back to normal weight, but want to lose the fat and add some muscle.
imgur.com category @Eastthomas
imgur.com category @throwawayNP
M 35 330. Need to lose about 100lbs. Let's give this another go.
imgur.com category @Throwaway-the-fat
imgur.com category @[deleted]
29/M/155/5'11". Hoping to gain 30 lbs of muscle and lose some fat. Any advice would be great.
imgur.com category @Nakedguythrowaway
m/25/170lb/5'10" - started to workout, not very happy with my body
imgur.com category @throwaway20150404
imgur.com category @[deleted]
18 [M] 5 month progress pictures. went from 190-165 Could anyone give me a BF% can't see my abs yet
imgur.com category @Nyxemis
Man, this is tough. A week of eating less, exercising a lot more...is there even a difference?
imgur.com category @[deleted]
41, 215lbs, 5' 9", trying to get to the 185 range. Need to cut out the beer!
imgur.com category @NewLeaf71
Starting a new cycle of workouts today, hoping to lean out and cut up. M/21/172lbs
imgur.com category @tkd97
imgur.com category @downeasteralexa