I saw another beautiful (f)ellow nerd was wearing this shirt! Wanna trade pokemon?
imgur.com category @POPtarts8D
imgur.com category @What_IsThis_Even
I just love my tits in this shirt! Think it'll get me fucked tonight? Cum on five o'clock.....
imgur.com category @Make_It_Wit_Chu
You won't believe the size of the tits under this shirt...totally shocked me.
gfycat.com category @[deleted]
Long time listener, first time caller. Do you think this shirt fits ok? :3
imgur.com category @Stubborn_Beauty
imgur.com category @AshleeNova
imgur.com category @Sidney77
I[f] you saw me walking down the street in this shirt, what would you do?
imgur.com category @mostlikelynude