I cant think of a good caption for this, maybe "You found me, hee hee hee."
imgur.com category @rpilek
imgur.com category @[deleted]
imgur.com category @rpilek
[Trainer] "Congrats on defeating me, you're my Champion now." (xpost from /r/rule34)
imgur.com category @throwitawayno
[Trainer] My rough decensor of Misty by Boris. Let me know what you think, more in the works
imgur.com category @Imadoc91
[Trainer] "Officer, you gotta believe me, I swear she said she was 18!"
imgur.com category @1007cats
[Gijinka] Absol-lutely Stunning. Kill me for my pun later. (X-Post /r/ecchi)
imgur.com category @PM_ME_YOUR_THIGHSS
Once upon a blue Moon (A shitty fan-translation of the Korean comic posted yesterday) (by me)
imgur.com category @gumknuckle
Hey Rosa, is that a water type in your pants or are you just happy to see me? (bymanus)
imgur.com category @Palpz
Me and my sister had to share a room ever since we were kids. Waking up was my favourite part.
gfycat.com category @turpedophile
Me? A tease? Never! Just kidding, I love to tease (and please!) quite a lot in [Kik] sessions ;)
imgur.com category @purplehailstorm
imgur.com category @Whitesissycuckman
""Oi bruv! I took a snap on me dog 'n bone, innit m8!" (Vanilla Cookies/Dave Cheung)
imgur.com category @cesariojpn